Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Permaculture Projects

OpenPlans is a nascent platform for social activism surrounding permaculture and climate change. It is an open hub that allows people to create, build, manage and promote projects related to these topics. If you are not inclined to create a project, you might find and join a local project suiting your interests. The platform is still small and currently home to some 26 projects. OpenCore is the underlying technical infrastructure.

Permaculture Coop is one of the projects created on OpenPlans. Permaculture Coop is an affiliated site of Permaculture TV. As the name implies if focuses on cooperative efforts in the area of permaculture at a world-wide level. In a gist this site is working on ideas of how to scale up permaculture from a single person veggie garden to villages, towns and cities. This team studies and develops concepts for a permaculture (worker) cooperative movement. They have analyzed a handful of case studies around the world and work towards creating new cooperative businesses.

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